Immanuel Church Sydney dedicated its new mission centre on April 22 – Easter Monday.
The message delivered was based on 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, titled ‘For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake’. P. David shared with the members the mercy from God that allowed the Sydney mission to be where it is now, and especially how fast and blessed the process was in finding a new mission centre right next to Sydney University.
As the new mission centre is set up, members are exhorted to preach not themselves, not try to attract people through man’s wisdom or talent, but instead to shine the light of Christ that was shone upon them.
“The deed of Christ that was done upon us that was done upon mankind on the cross – this is what we reveal. In each of our ministries, this is what we must teach.”
May God bless the new church space, that though it has a humble beginning, may it be used to raise up many new leaders for the Church of Jesus Christ.