Immanuel Church Online Bible Study Reaches 60th Session, 520 Members

Since the lockdown, Immanuel Church has shifted a large part of its mission efforts to online. And part of the effort was the formation of its Online Bible Study Group, hosted on Facebook. In this past Monday, the Bible studies series has finally hit its 60th session, while the group members reached 520 people.

Starting on August 24, the Bible study series that is based on the Epistle of Romans began, with three goals in mind for its listeners:

  • Firstly: to come to a saving Faith in accepting Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior
  • Secondly: To receive the power of the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) so that one’s life can be transformed to match their new identity in Jesus Christ
  • Thirdly: To learn of the direction of God’s history, what God has being doing throughout Biblical times, and what direction God is leading the world we live in now, so that we can partake in God’s work

For anyone interested to join the Bible study group, please submit a joining request in the group.