Since March 29, Immanuel Church has switched its Sunday services to a live broadcast format, in accordance with the Australian Government’s guidance towards healthy safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the first time that the church has moved its services online, and it has seen unprecedented wide distribution of the Word of God.
On the first Sunday Service the Facebook Live broadcast saw more than 800 reaches and almost 100 views, and on the second Sunday Service, the engagement increased to 1500 reaches and over 200 views. “It is an exciting prospect that the Gospel can be spread to many more people at one time, it’s a wide open door for those who are thirsty for the truth to find God,” said P. David.
The upcoming Easter weekend will also be the first time that the Bible studies series will be done fully in an online capacity. It is hoped that many will come to see God in a new light through diving deeply into the Bible during the this year’s Easter.